In January Tori received her 1st official hair cut. She received a cute, traditional, bob cut. A few weeks later I received the instructions from her Dance Studio of how I was supposed to style her hair for the upcoming dance pictures. The instructions stated; " Curly, curly, curly." I scrambled over the next week of trying different curly hairstyles, none of which lasted more than an hour or two, before the hair went back to being flat & drab. While on the computer one night researching little girl hairstyles, I stumbled upon instructions of how to do 'rag curlers'. The following are pictures of our adventure with trying out rag curlers. The 1st attempt was way too curly...more like frizzy. The only thing I could do was pull it into pigtails until I found the time to wash it out. By the 3rd attempt it seemed that I was starting to get the hang of it, I was able to use a small curling iron, to work with, and fine tune the curls. We were able to keep the hairstyle for both Saturday & Sunday. Tori's hair turned out really cute.. but I don't see myself doing this frequently. Just for things like pictures and special ocassions.
Holy cow that is cute! Man, girl hair . . . no fair. :)